
Tue 21 Nov
Special Screenings

Mother and daughter Grace and Ama have established a deep bond that’s protected them from outsiders, but as they try to settle in Glasgow, things begin to change. Ama’s approaching adolescence and growing curiosity set off reminders of a past that Grace has been trying to erase. The comforting fairy-tale-like story that Grace has been telling Ama for years is shaken by the memories and their sheltered world begins to erode from the inside. To give them both a chance to really start living, Grace has to let Ama grow up.

Special Screening

The film will be followed by a panel discussion with the T A P E Collective.


About T A P E Collective

T A P E was founded in 2015 by Angela Moneke and Isra Al Kassi after meeting through the Barbican Young Programmers scheme. T A P E launched as a response to the lack of representation on screen; wanting to platform and highlight the sheer variety of under-served films out there.

Over the years T A P E has curated a number of well-rounded screenings bringing together film, art, music, talks and more into one space and events with a focus on representation, identity and heritage; bringing exciting screenings to new audiences, championing the forgotten could-be cult films of the festival circuit with a focus on programmes of women of colour both behind and in front of the camera.
