Paul Smith: Inspiration. Designing Fashion and Beyond + Orpheus

Tue 12 Dec

One of Britain’s foremost designers, Sir Paul Smith returns to Ciné Lumière to talk about inspiration and his career in fashion design and beyond.

A restless creative, his eclectic interests and creations go well beyond fashion and into the most varied fields, from clothing and accessories to furniture, vehicles and spaces. Throughout the years, he was led to collaborate with numerous artists, photographers, musicians, museums and established companies, broadening his creative fields, always with a deep respect for traditional craftmanship mixed with playful twists and light humour.   

How does Paul Smith work? Where does he draw inspiration from? Let’s find out with this exclusive talk, which will be followed by a film of his choosing: Orpheus by Jean Cocteau. 

About Orpheus

Poet, playwright, artist and filmmaker, Jean Cocteau was one of the most significant artists of the twentieth century and Orpheus his finest work of cinema.

This magical retelling of the Orpheus myth turns the lyre-playing singer of Greek legend into a famous left-bank poet in post-war Paris. Fallen out of favour and lost for poetic inspiration, Orphée becomes obsessed with a mysterious black-clad princess who first claims the life of a rival poet, and then Eurydice, his wife.

With its unforgettable imagery – the dissolving mirror through which characters pass into the next world, the leather-clad, death-dealing motorcyclists, and Cocteau’s magical special effects, Orpheus is a work of haunting beauty that follows the poetic logic of a dream.


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