French German Days

Thu 14 March
School Activities

Immerse your pupils in French and German culture for a full day with linguistic and cultural activities at the Goethe Institut and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni and a school screening in the afternoon.

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11am – German activity at the Goethe Institut

Language Activity: Graffiti workshop (Y7-8)

Learn about the history of the Berlin Wall and its graffiti. Discover useful language to talk about and express opinions on graffiti. Create your own graffiti art using the ideas and language from the workshop activities.


12pm – Lunch break

Pupils must bring their packed lunch


1pm – French activity at the Institut français du Royaume-Uni

Language Activity : What is a bande dessinée ? (Y7-8)

Learn about French comics and discuss their origins. Discover more about famous French comic characters such as Astérix or Tintin and create your own comic strip in French!


2pm – French and German short film screening


3pm – End of the day


