10:30am – Activity
Choose between the 2 following activities:
- Language Activity (year 8-12) : Y8-9 will learn about WWII and resistance in France through the introduction of the film Goodbye Children and its characters. For Y10-11-12 the subject of WWII will be looked at in more detail.
12pm – Lunch break
12:45pm – Screening
Au Revoir les Enfants
cert. 12A | by Louis Malle, 2022, 104′, fetaure, in French with English subtitles
Bafta winner for Best Direction, Louis Malle, waited 42 years to make this semi-autobiographical film, set in January 1944 at an exclusive Catholic boarding school outside Fontainebleau. One of the great movies about World War Two and the German Occupation, this richly detailed, immaculately acted film traces the friendship between two 12 years-old, one from a wealthy Catholic family through whose eyes the events are seen, the other a Jewish boy hidden by priests, his identity concealed
2:40pm – End of the day
- Agathe Morisse, School Activities Manager / 020 3924 3511