Annie Colère, dir. Blandine Lenoir


Blandine Lenoir pays tribute to the MLAC (Movement for the Freedom of Abortion and Contraception) through the emancipation of Annie, played by the moving Laure Calamy. In this film, we witness realistic abortions carried out with tenderness, the transmission of knowledge and a benevolent sisterhood. It was very interesting to understand that the implementation of the Veil law was far from having solved everything.

This political reflection on the body is very relatable, thanks to the performances of the actresses. On top of that, the period costuming and set design are on point!


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Jane par Charlotte, dir. Charlotte Gainsbourg


Jane par Charlotte is Charlotte Gainsbourg's first feature film. After Jane B. par Agnès V. (1988) and Boxes (2007), it was Charlotte's turn to film her iconic mother, who was 75 at the time. The portrait is delicate, tender and full of modesty.


This intimate tête-à-tête shares with viewers a complicated mother-daughter relationship that, all things considered, is relatively universal. The focus is on Birkin's life as a woman, accompanied nonetheless by her ghosts.


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Riposte Féministe - dir.s Marie Perennès & Simon Depardon


The filmmakers take a back seat, not intervening or interviewing. They film the impassioned and passionate conversations of the "colleur.euses” a movement which has taken off across France, and which consists of gluing up feminist slogans in the streets, with the aim of highlighting the sadly ongoing issues of domestic abuse and violence against women.


This documentary is a time capsule illustrating this new wave of feminism that is making the intimate political and reclaiming the public space. It depicts the urgency, the rage, the fatigue and the broad umbrella of important struggles.


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