Two Films by Djibril Diop Mambéty

From Mon 16 to Sun 29 Oct
Festivals & Series

On Black History Month, Ciné Lumière presents the first two instalments of Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambéty’s uncompleted trilogy of short films called Contes des Petites Gens (Tales of the Little People). This programme includes the first of the three films, Le Franc (1994) and La Petite Vendeuse de Soleil (The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun), which was being edited at the time of the director’s death and premiered posthumously in 1999.


As part of Black History Month



La Petite vendeuse de soleil (The Little Girl Who Sold The Sun)

SEN | 1998 | dir. with Tayerou M’baye, Mansour Diouf, Lissa Baléra | in French and Wolof with EN subs | Cert U | 45 mins

A young, illiterate, disabled girl named Sili from a shantytown on the outskirts of Dakar decides one day to abandon her blind grandmother’s vocation of begging in the street and take up the physically demanding job of selling newspapers.


Le Franc

SEN | 1994 | dir. Djibril Diop Mambéty with Demba Bâ, Dieye Ma Dieye and Aminata Fall | in Wolof with EN subs | Cert TBC | 44 mins

Marigo the musician dreams of his instrument – a congoma – which his landlady has impounded because of his chronic rent non-payments. Getting hold of a lottery ticket, he decides to put it in a safe place while awaiting the drawing.




